I read books about it, saw movies, series, pictures, imitations... I had to check it out for real, and make my own picture of it: Las Vegas, baby, a dream! I took my first Greyhound bus from LA to Vegas, everybody told me some weird stories about Greyhound trips (Josh and Billy's last couchsurfer had his hair cut while he was asleep... seet), I wasn't disapointed. I sat near a ugly teenage girl who kept talking to me all way long, even if I had my headphones (fortunately she fell asleep). The seat behind me sat a big russian guy who said 10 times "I'm sick I'm gonna throw up I'm sick I'm gonna throw up.... Apart from those guys, the journey was amazing, the landscape were awesome (it even made me cry...). I arrived in Vegas around 2pm, I found my youth hostel which was a family house held by two young hippies with babies. I just dropped my bag and went straight to the Strip, so impatient! It was full of lights, tourists, buses, palaces, sounds that drive you nuts, colorfull capets, antique sculptures, fountains, paintings, shows, Chineses, nightclubs, fake stuff ... and free alcohol drinks!!!
Greyhound stop in the middle of nowhere
Playslist: Animal Collective "Daily Routine". It was so perfect, like I have dreamt of that moment. I was so happy.
Back to the civilization after 6 hours of nothing.
New York, New York Casino
Caesar's Palace
The Strip!!!
Where I lost my first dollar... but also where I got my first free drink! The beginning of a looong night getting drunk for free!
Treasure Island
The Venetian: craziest decors and architecture!
A real italian Palace!!
Wheel of fortune
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha my vacation in Venice!
Trevi Fountain
Come and loose
The more drink I got the more awesome it is...
Beautiful flower-ceiling
Chinese style
I missed Paris...
Bellagio (Ocean's Eleven)
Baguette, croissant, café...
Still so much to see, the strip is 7 miles long! But at 2 am after too many vodkas, I went back to the hostel... So much glitter so much crazyness, wonderland, I HAD to see that...
From the airport: arounf the Strip, there's nothing. I'm not even sure there's a city, a downtown.
In case you didn't loose enough money there are machines in the gate at the airport...