Ancienne colonie portugaise, Macau a conservé des batiments de type occidental, beaucoup d églises, on se serait cru en Espagne ou au Portugal! Et les chinois là-bas parlent le macanais, le cantonnais ou le portugais... J'avais vraiment quitté la Chine! J'ai passe une excellente journée avec une Corréene adorable, Jinghee, rencontrée dans le bus, avec qui j'ai pris le ferry pour Hong Kong le soir même.
PS: Non, je ne vais pas au Japon, Hong Kong est en Chine... Hong Kong n'est pas non plus un gorille géant...
From Guangzhou i took the bus to Zuhai, at the border between China and Macau, actually part of China, but, like HongKong, a`special area`. I slept in Zuhai, because on weekends the prices grow three times higher! I could have found a pretty dress and an old rich man in a casino as well...
Macau is a former potrugese colony, with western architectures, plenty of churches, i thought I was in Portugal or Andalucia, Spain, moreover they dont speak mandarin (actually yes they do), but cantonese, macanese or portugese. I really left China! I had a wonderfull time with a nice correan girl met in the bus, Jinghee, and we came back together by ferry to HongKong.
(by the way, no i'm not going to Japan, Hong Kong is in China!! and no, Hong Kong is not a giant monkey...)
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